Frequently Asked Questions - GSam Battery Monitor

GSam Battery Monitor and KitKat

As of version 3.3, GSam Battery Monitor is now fully compatible with Android KitKat (4.4) for non-root devices.  If your device is rooted however, there are more statistics that GSam can collect.  So if you have root, make sure you install the GSam Battery Root Companion app.  If you don't have root - no problem, things will still work well, but some stats such as app wakelocks will not be available.

Unfortunately, Google has removed the ability in KitKat (4.4) for non-system applications to access battery statistics.  On versions prior to KitKat, GSam obtained battery statistics from a built-in set of statistics from Android.  If you have root, we can still get at that data.  If you do not, then GSam will track as much of that data as it can by itself.   Not all data can be tracked however.


In order to manually track usage for non-root users in KitKat, we had to include 2 new permissions.  READ_PHONE_STATE and ACCESS_WIFI_STATE.  These were added so that we know when the phone and wifi are in use so we can correctly show the respective power drain.  Google Play users who are not using KitKat will not see these permissions, but KitKat users will regardless of whether they have Root or not.

If you have root:

There are a number of ways around this - unfortunately, all of them require Root.
  1. Use the GSam Battery Monitor - Root Companion app.  This app will walk you through installing it as system privileged app.  Once done, GSam Battery Monitor will behave as before.  This is the preferred way...    OR
  2. Copy GSam Battery Monitor apk directly into /system/priv-app/.  This works well for the Free version, but is more challenging for the Paid version, requiring hoops that do not work for everybody.
  3. Use the XPosed Module that we wrote.  This of course requires that you have the XPosed framework installed - and then you need to install linked module.  This works well, and provides a more generic solution that works not only for GSam Battery Monitor, but for other apps as well.  We still recommend option #1 above as it is the lowest risk mechanism - but if you already use XPosed, then this route is a great alternative.

Why do some Apps show higher usage than I would expect?

If you are fairly confident that an app really isn't using as much power as GSam Battery Monitor reports, it could be a problem with how Android reports it's sensor usage.  Some devices coupled with certain levels of Android don't correctly report sensor usage by apps.  Specifically, it appears that an app has continuously used a certain sensor (such as the accelerometer), thereby triggering a very high power drain relative to other apps.    So if your app is showing that it has a high sensor usage - but you know it doesn't, then go into Preferences -> Device Power Profiles -> Include Sensors.  Uncheck this (do so when you are plugged in).  

Things should start correctly showing usage.  Unfortunately it means that the app can't take sensor usage into account, but if your phone isn't accurately reporting that to begin with, it's better off not included.

The notification icon doesn't update, and I have to open the app to see the latest.

The battery monitor has to run in the background to keep posting the latest battery stats to your notification bar.   Things such as task killers, or memory cleaners will stop the the background service.  It will restart on it's own, but if it gets stopped too many times in a certain time span, Android will lengthen the restart time.  Android itself will also stop background tasks automatically when it needs resources (hence why task killers are not a good idea - Android already does this).  If your phone is running too low on resources and has lots of apps competing for these resources, the battery app will get stopped by design.

If you want to override this behavior, enable the following preference:  Preferences -> Device Power Profiles -> High Priority.   Do this with care though.  It sets GSam to run in a mode where it will only get stopped if the system is really running low on resources.  If you don't have an update problem, don't enable this.

There are other reasons it could be happening - but try this first.  If this still doesn't resolve your issue, please contact us so we can help!

My tablet reports Phone usage - but it doesn't have a phone.  Why?

Some device manufacturers don't always correctly honor Androids API to determine if a device has Telephony support or not (that's you Nook).   Please email us and let us know the specific device - we'll update a table of specific devices so that it reports things correctly for you!


  1. Hi

    Thanks a lots for create this software..question here why my phone radia show 65% of power usage..any idea why it is happened..

    1. Frequently Asked Questions - Gsam Battery Monitor >>>>> Download Now

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      Frequently Asked Questions - Gsam Battery Monitor >>>>> Download Full

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  2. electric sheep dreamerApril 10, 2013 at 9:16 AM

    Thank you for this wonderful piece of software and continous improvements.^^

  3. Want to how long does the screen is on ,how long does wifi is on, like those specific statistical data

  4. time data lack accuracy,it didn't show start time

  5. why system battery status shows 25% for wifi, but Gsam shows only 1%?


  6. How does Gsam define screen brightness? Specifically what percentage range are Medium/Light/Bright defined as?

  7. pls help. not working
    already root and installed root app companion

  8. Gsam is a great app for battery stats. It is the best in the market, but unfortunately it shows 95% of battery phone radio on my tablet. I have an Intenso 824 tablet (recognized by hardware info as INM8002KP). Could you please fix this particular problem?

  9. Any answer for my question? Is it possible to fix the problem?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Most of your problems/questions can be answered by using the built in "send error report" in the more section. This sends in a detailed report to the App Dev so he can assist you with your problems. I had an issue with my HTC One and he figured it out and fixed it.

    Nice work figuring out the 4.4 issue and a work around, and great app as always.

  12. i want to make my own icon packs. Where to start?

  13. Thanks for your work in supporting Android 4.4 KK. I can get all the information but some data is not correct. It shows that the device is active (I assume it is awake) 100% of the time. This is not possible since my Samsung Hercules drains battery very quickly when active ,ad it shows that the phone was active only 1h out of 7 hours since I unplugged it. I have a custom ROM, rooted of course and after 7 hours I still have 81% battery left. It is clear that activity report is not working fine in KK. The rest is amazing, thanks for this APP!!!!!!

  14. What is the refresh time of the widget? It's there a option to change it?
    I would like to see the battery current with faster refresh rate.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Feature request. I am interested in alerts. But not for absolute percentages. I don't care that i hit 50%. I would like an alert when the rate of change changes. i.e. when the estimated time for 0pct makes a sudden jump. Falls by more than X percent for example.

    An alert condition based on time remaining would also be useful. ie. Alert me when the estimated time remaining is 1 hr.

    1. Exactly what I'm wanting, a RATE monitor not fixed values!

  17. Hey there,
    Is 'time left' shown as hh:mm until the battery discharges totally, or mm:ss until one percent of the battery is gone?

    1. I can't find this 'Power Per Percent' setting in the preferences.

  18. Question: Is it possible to export the data captured by this app? For example, if I use this to monitor my battery life over time, is there a way for me to export the data used in creating the chart this app offers?

  19. For when Marshmallow Support? Root companion it's no longer working because Gsam keeps telling me that it's not installed.

  20. I don't get any amperage readings on Marshmallow Nexux 6P running Pure Nexus ROM rooted.

  21. I don't get any amperage readings on Marshmallow Nexux 6P running Pure Nexus ROM rooted.

  22. Link current info / forum. This is old. This app updated 2016 ...

  23. I was told this app would alert me when battery is fully charged, is this true?

  24. To the above "unknown".....You can see this forum hasn't been answered in years and you ask if this app will notify you When your battery is charged??!! You really expect an answer to that dumb question before you let your phone charge and see for yourself if it notifies you?!! Lmao. Thanks for the laugh

  25. I have installed gsam battery monitor pro and at the bottom there is a info " average per complete charge" and battery life , screen on ... actualy what they represent ? Is it the time my device screen can be on ? And what is in the bracket? Please reply
    ( screen shot attached )

  26. Подскажите пожалуйста, почему в моем смартфоне ASUS X008 (ZC520TL) Android 6 не отображается статистика использования аккумулятора приложениями?
    GSam Battery Monitor установил платную последнюю версию, и так же ничего не показывает.

  27. Kinda funny that this app can't tell what apps are using your battery without root yet others can. Kinda seems like you just don't want to implement it. But what do I know. I'm just going by what I see and what I see is that my other app shows just how much battery each app is using while this one claims they can't because Android N blah blah blah. Why can other developers do it, then?

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  71. The passage provides detailed information about the GSam Battery Monitor app, its compatibility with different Android versions, permissions, and potential issues users might encounter. It also offers solutions and workarounds for those issues. panel fence

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  75. The guide offers detailed explanations and practical solutions for users experiencing issues with GSam Battery Monitor, ensuring optimal functionality and accurate battery usage tracking.

  76. That's helpful information to know about GSam Battery Monitor and its compatibility with Android KitKat!

  77. I also have the same question, glad to know this info.

  78. GSam Battery Monitor strives to provide accurate and detailed battery usage information, catering to both non-root and rooted users across different Android versions and devices.

  79. You're mistaken. GSam Battery Monitor actually faced limitations on Android KitKat (4.4) due to changes Google made to how apps access battery statistics.

  80. How does Gsam define screen brightness?


  81. GSam Battery Monitor has undergone updates to ensure compatibility with Android KitKat (4.4) for non-root devices. However, users with rooted devices can access additional statistics.

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  85. Google has removed the ability for non-system applications to access battery statistics in KitKat (4.4). Previously, GSam used built-in Android statistics, which are now restricted. If your device is rooted, you can still access this data. Non-root users will have GSam track as much data as possible independently, though some data cannot be tracked.

  86. Great news for KitKat users! GSam Battery Monitor (version 3.3) now works directly on non-rooted Android 4.4 devices. While root access unlocks even more stats, the core functionality remains excellent for everyone. For root users, grab the GSam Battery Root Companion app to unleash the full potential!

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  88. Google Play users who are not using KitKat will not see these permissions to the hole in wall, but KitKat users will regardless of whether they have Root or not.

  89. Thank you. I thought I would never be able to find article about this anymore.

  90. That's great news for Android KitKat users! GSam Battery Monitor is a valuable tool for understanding and optimizing battery usage. I'm glad to see that it now supports non-rooted KitKat devices.

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  92. Hi, the App is removed from Play Store. Why?

  93. It's there a option to change it? My friend, Rico would like to see the battery current with faster refresh rate.

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  95. This works well at Abilene Drywall Contractors, and provides a more generic solution that works not only for GSam Battery Monitor, but for other apps as well.

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